How to Embed the Web Player

With its powerful race replay capabilities, the TackTracker Cloud's web player is a great drawcard to any site. You can embed the web player into your site by following these instructions. This way you can not only provide results but race replays too!

These instructions assume you have already published the races of interest and that they are available for viewing from There are two ways you can provide access to these races from your site:

  • Provide a link to the player running in the TackTracker cloud.
  • Embed the player into your own site so it appears to be running from your site.

You can find tune the embedded player to look and behave in the way you want. For example, you can:

  • Remove the "Go Live" button for live races and automatically switch to live mode
  • Customize the width and height
  • Set the start time for playback

Embedding the Player

To embed the player, create an <iframe>, specifying a source URL as detailed below.

The iframe should specify the width and height - e.g:

<iframe src="" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" style="width:700px; height:620px;" allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen oallowfullscreen msallowfullscreen></iframe>

Embed URL's

There are two embed URL's, one for embedding Regatta races, the other for Home page races. The formats are:

URLPurpose Embed a home page race. Embed a home page race - and automatically switch to live replay mode, removing the "Go Live" button. Embed a regatta race. Embed a regatta race - and automatically switch to live replay mode, removing the "Go Live" button.

Optional Parameters

You may optionally specify additional query parameters to your URL to customize behavior. For example:

playmodefree, track, autoDefault play mode.
namemodename, detailsDefault track name to display. (Use namemode=details to pre-select name2).
startutcStart playing race from specified UTC in format: yyyy-dd-mmTHH:MM:SSZ
leaderboardtrue, falseShow the leaderboard on startup
showtitletrue, falseShow the race title in the player

Legacy URL Parameters

It is also possible to specify optional parameters positionally in the URL. This approach is now deprecated.

1raceidRace IDRequired
1rgid/rcnumRegatta ID and race numberRequired
2widthNo longer usedSpecify 0 as a placeholder.
3heightNo longer usedSpecify 0 as a placeholder.
4showpaneNo longer usedSpecify 0 as a placeholder.
5startutcStart playing race from specified UTC in format: yyyy-dd-mmTHH:MM:SSZOptional. Specify 0 as a placeholder.
6track0 = normal, 1 = track the current boatOptional, default 0